The forging blank is designed with modern CAD systems. The forging simulation makes it possible to identify any weak points in the forging process.
For approval and visualization we of fer a 3-D-print of the part in original size. The described processes use the following sof tware interfaces: PTC Creo 3D-CAD, simufact forming, DEPO CAM.
We are able to forge parts from 1,0 kg to 180,00 kg on 10 forging lines.
We guarantee an optimal forging process with continuous monitoring.
According to the requirements of the product or the customer we supply heat treatment and crack detection.
The in-house machining enables us to complete the ready-to-install part. With 13 CNC machi- ning centres a large product variety is covered.
Using 3-D-coordinate measuring Machines, we are able to guarantee all quality require- ments.
Over 100 years of experience form the basis for our quality standards.
To complete the production chain with machining, assembly and customized packing, we also of fer welding and adjustment of the parts.
An additional surface treatment, e.g. coating or hardening is possible in cooperation with our certified partners. If necessary we will help to clarify all technical details.
constructural steel (DIN EN 10025)
Q&T steel (DIN EN 10083)
stainless steel (DIN EN 10272)
ferritc-pearlitic steel (DIN EN 10267)
further steel grades after consultation & feasibility analysis